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Applying for a school place in Kirklees

To download Kirklees’ guide to admission to primary school please click here.

To see the admission area map for Scapegoat Hill J & I School please click here.

Applications for a school place are online only. This applies to all normal round applications for places.

When to apply:

  • If your child is starting primary school (Reception) in September 2024, you must apply online between 1 September 2023 and 15 January 2024 (applies for children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020).
  • If your child is starting junior or middle school in September 2024, you must apply online between 1 September 2023 and 15 January 2024.
  • If your child is starting secondary school in September 2024, you must apply online between 1 September 2023 and 31 October 2023.

You can apply here (external link)

  • You will need a valid email address.
  • Child’s name and date of birth are required.

You are strongly advised to name three preference schools on your application, including your catchment school.  If you apply late your application will NOT be considered until all on time applicants have been allocated school places.  Applying late can severely reduce your changes of getting a school place at any of your preferred schools.

For more information on Kirklees’ admission procedures please click here.

Kirklees admission criteria

If there are fewer applicants than there are places available, everyone who applies will be offered a place. When there are more applicants than there are places available there has to be a way of deciding which children are offered places. This is done by having admission criteria, also known as oversubscription criteria, which are considered in order. The Kirklees admission criteria for community and voluntary controlled schools are:

  1. children in public care (looked after children) and children previously looked after in England;
  2. children who were previously in state care outside of England and ceased to be as a result of being adopted;
  3. children who live in the school’s Priority Admission Area (PAA) who have a brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission (the sibling rule);
  4. children who live in the school’s PAA;
  5. children who live outside the school’s PAA who have a brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission (the sibling rule);
  6. children who live outside the school’s PAA.

Community and voluntary controlled schools will admit children with an Education, Health and Care Plan where the school is named on the plan.

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