Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
For information on our SEN & Disability Policy at Scapegoat Hill School please click here.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Miss Natalie Shackleton , and she can be contacted at the school on 01484 647008, or email (natalie.shackleton@scapegoathill.co.uk).
Local Offer
Please click here for the SLCF SEND Local Offer (SEND Information Report).
The Kirklees Local Offer is for families of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The Local Offer contains information about services relating to special educational needs, disabilities, education and more for children and young people aged 0-25. It is part of the new Children and Families Act which has brought in a number of important changes about support and services. Please visit the website at www.kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk for more information.