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Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms Jill Wood

Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Nikki Barker and Miss Natalie Shackleton.

Whilst it is important to have safeguarding leads, it is acknowledged that it is everyone’s role in school to ensure children are safe from harm. We have rigorous policies and strategies to ensure each children knows there is someone to listen to them and keep them safe. Safeguarding can include face to face confrontation, child and child abuse, bullying, online safety (see our pupil section for details).

Please see our policy section for more details and our policies on behaviour, Child on Child Abuse, etc.

Feedback from our parents show that over 90% of children feel safe in school.

To support those who do not feel safe, each child has a ‘buddy chat’ with an adult on a regular basis, We also have ‘I wish my teacher knew’ boxes in every class room. These boxes give children the opportunity to leave their teacher a note – this might be for something positive, however, it might be something they do not have the confidence to disclose in person. Leaving this note will instigate a ‘buddy chat’ which could led to a conversation with parents/carers or alternatively, it would be escalated to a Safeguarding referral.

If you have any concerns about your children, either in or outside of school, please contact Miss Jill Wood on 01484 647008 or email jill.wood@kirkleeseducation.uk