Home • Maths


Through learning and mastering mathematics children begin to understand the world around them as well as solve problems.

At Scapegoat Hill Junior and Infant School, we have a clear understanding of the National Curriculum and we use White Rose Maths to support our long-term and medium-term plans. We use the 3.0 version of the White Rose Maths. Following our work with the NCETM (The National Centre Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Maths Hub, we have also adopted the ‘Five Big Ideas’ (coherence, representation and structure, mathematical thinking, fluency and variation) for the teaching for mastery in mathematics. 

Mathematics sessions are taught to secure mastery of number and arithmetic.  We value the importance of securing early ‘number sense’. In EYFS Children regularly practise what they have been taught throughout the day in planned activities and through well planned EYFS provision which helps to consolidate and expand on mathematical learning.

Supporting Mathematics at Home 

We also know that parents love to see their children doing well. To help children, (and to support parents) we subscribe to a brilliant website called ‘Prodigy Maths’. Your child has their own login and will be able to practise their times tables, number facts and other areas of maths. The website also lets school know how well your child is doing – ask your child’s teacher for help if you are unsure. 

We also share with parents and carers the ‘KIRFs’ – the key instant recall facts. An important part of maths development has always been rote learning of certain maths facts. For many years this has included practising times tables and addition facts, such as number bonds and doubles. Each half term children will be assessed on Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) that will be taught in school but also need to be practised at home as well. Please find below a link to the KIRFs for each year group from EYFS to Year 6.  

KIRFS – Early Years 

KIRFS – Year 1 

KIRFS – Year 2 

KIRFS – Year 3 

KIRFS – Year 4 

KIRFS – Year 5 

KIRFS – Year 6

Calculation Policies

Calculation Policy 2024

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division

Year 4 – Multiplication Tables Check 

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is an online assessment that children in Year 4 take to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for their future success in mathematics. More information on the check, can be found in the booklet below.  

Information for parents: multiplication tables check (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Curriculum Map Spring 2025


Ratio and Algebra Year 6

Place Value Multiplication and Division


Mass, volume and capacity

Length, Height, Area, Perimeter and Volume


Decimals and Percentages

Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division calculation policy

Addition and subtraction calculation policy

Multiplication and Division calculation policy


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