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BoomReader Guidance

We are thrilled to announce that we will now be completing home reading records via BoomReader
across the whole school. BoomReader is an award-winning app designed to support teachers, parents
and children with logging reading and books.

We understand that using un-known technology may feel daunting but we feel the many benefits of using the app will make the experience of logging reading clear, enjoyable and more rewarding.

Here is a brief list of the benefits we think you’ll appreciate!

● No lost reading diaries!
● Reading diaries are never left at home on the busy school run!
● Log reading in seconds – just 4 or 5 taps of your phone to log reading.
● Easy to see all reading for all of your children in one place
● Saving needless paper usage
● No damaged/ruined reading diaries
● School gains powerful insight into reading for every child
● Reading records move with your child through school
● Parents/carers can log in separately for each child
● Parents without smartphones can login via the website: boomreader.co.uk/parents
● And of course, the app is completely free for parents to download and use!

We want to make you feel fully supported during this process of change.  Below are videos and documents to support you setting up and using the app.  There is also a document to explain how you can support your child with their reading and suggested comments you may use to inform us how they get on at home.

By using Boomreader, we aim to make the process of recording reading as manageable as possible for
parents. Fundamentally, the most important aspect to home reading is the reading, so enjoy and
celebrate helping your child learn one of the most important life-skills!

Please click on the following links for guidance on Boomreader:

BoomReader Parents (boomhub.app)

Video access guide: Parent Guide to GoRead (vimeo.com)

Home Reading Tips 

Parent App – Quick Start Guide

Parent App – Powerpoint

Website – Parent quick start guide

Please click here to read our reading policy.

Phonics Guidance

At SLCF believe that reading is integral to all learning so it is our mission to ensure that all children succeed in this area. We understand the importance of phonics skills and how vital they are in the development of competent readers. From the start of their journey with us, children are supported to learn these skills through a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics.

We follow Pearson’s Bug Club phonics which is a rigorous, systematic and synthetic phonic programme. Phonic sessions are fast paced and multisensory, considering kinaesthetic, visual and auditory learners. We believe this ensures every opportunity for all children to engage and learn. We monitor children regularly to assess where support is needed and implement targeted intervention quickly.

Our phonic reading books offer a diverse range of fiction and non-fiction texts and are closely matched to the graphemes taught within school.  Each child is assigned books to meet their individual phonic progression to challenge them at their appropriate level. These ‘decodable’ books are also shared at home for children to practice until fluent. We believe this helps children build confidence in their own ability as a reader.

Throughout school we strive to encourage a rounded approach to reading. Children are exposed to words, print and text within the whole school environment. We believe this provides them with the opportunity to independently use, apply and embed their phonic skills in a range of situations which helps them understand the true importance of reading.

Please click on the following links for guidance on Phonics:

SLCF Phonics guidance for parents

Please follow this link if you missed the phonic parent meeting or if you would like a re-cap: All you need to know about phonics – Bug Club Phonics – Pearson – YouTube

Bug Club

Bug Club phonics walk through for parents

Sound Mats

Link to Supporting Reading at Home – Supporting Reading at Home.pdf

Phase 2 sound mat

Phase 3 sound mat

Phase 5_u13-21_sound mat

Phase 5_u22-27_sound mat

Phonics Screening Check

Please click on the link attached for details of the screening check – Phonics Screening Check

To look at an example of the check please click on the link – 2023 Phonics Check

Our Fantastic New Library is OPEN!

Meet our amazing new librarians!

They have been doing a brilliant job of introducing everyone to our new library in school this half term. There has been a real buzz and the librarians have been very busy helping children choose books, encouraging them to pull up a cushion to have a read and checking out the books they have chosen.

If your child borrows a library book, we ask that they return it on their class library day. They are as follows:

  • Class 1 – Monday
  • Class 2 – Wednesday
  • Class 3 – Friday

Children can keep the books as long as they would like or as long as it takes them to read.

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