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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

We have 19 children from Year 2 and Year 3 in Class 2, and they are taught by Miss Mitchell and Mrs Haygarth.  You can see what they are studying this term (Autumn 2024) from here.

Please click here to download a list of words that children should be able to spell and read fluently by the end of Year 4.


Class 2

This half term we have been working hard on our maths skills, understanding the place value of numbers and recently working on addition and subtraction. The year 3s have completed some challenging work, practising the skills of column addition and subtraction for 3 digit numbers! In science we have explored the topic of skeletons, looking at some of the main bones in a human and other animal’s bodies. We have learnt that some animals, such as the beetle, have a different type of skeleton outside of their body called an exoskeleton!

We have enjoyed learning about volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes in geography and many of the children have extended their learning at home about this topic.

We have learnt about the different parts of a volcano, including the magma chamber, ash cloud and lava. We even had a practice earthquake drill in the classroom where we had to take cover under the desks! Recently, the children completed some field work exploring what types of rocks we have in our local area and around the school grounds. We talked together about where these types of rocks came from.

The children have continued to work hard on their literacy skills and have created some excellent writing including a short narrative about the very blue Thingamajig. They used alliteration and expanded noun phrases to add more detail and description to their writing.

The year 2s worked in small groups to role play being the penguins of Madagascar during our reading groups.

Class 2 went on a field trip around the school grounds to explore what rocks there were and where they may have come from.



Noah and Archie created their own volcano at home as part of their homework. They were going to add some different ingredients to it to see if it erupted!